Sea to Sea 2008 Bike Tour

March 13, 2008

In like a lion...

Some of you may know the saying about March: It comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb.

This usually refers to just the weather, but not this year. I can't speak for the second half of this saying yet, but beween finding out that I'm going to have to move and obliquely fracturing the second metacarpal on my right hand playing basketball Monday, I'd call this month pretty turbulent.

That's right, I'm injured.

I've gotten hurt many times playing basketball, so I did't think anything of it until the next morning when the swelling prevented me from putting on my jacket and tying my shoes. I went to the doctor and had an X-ray done and didn't need him to tell me it was going to take a while to heal. But, I wouln't have known surgury would be required. The bone was broken from top to bottom at an angle, so yesterday I had an hour long outpatient surgury where they inserted a titanium plate over the break and fastened it with wires. I haven't gotten a good look at it yet since they wrapped it before I woke up and the wrapping stays on till my appointment next week, but it feels good.

It figures that this is the first week that the high temperatures will all be above freezing. The doctor estimates 8 weeks for a full recovery so cycling will have to be hands free for the next six at least, since shifting gears is all about the second metacarpal on the right hand. However, I will be able to set up my trainer outdoors to stay in shape and get used to the weather a bit.

I am also capable of doing light duty jobs at work. It may become tedious, but I would become very poor and bored if I had to stay at home all the time

I hope everyone else who is injured can keep a positive attitude and keep their eyes on the goals this tour strives for.


PS I think typing with one hand is going to shorten my posts.


isaiahOne17 said...

Oh Ryan, I'm so sorry to hear that. We both seemed to be creating new obstacles to work through, eh. Well I will be praying for your quick recovery and healing as well. Hopefully even though your blogging might be shorter, we can still look forward to a number of updates. I very much enjoy reading your blog.

Eritia said...

Good to hear that your keeping positive through your injury, I know for myself it's not easy to keep positive when unforseeable things happen!

Josh said...

I guess you're lucky yo have a resistance trainer and not rollers! I pray that things heal quickly and that you're able to be patient enough with the process to move along at the pace that it does.